Sunday 30 October 2011

enjoy the beauty of the dawn in Bukit Broga. subuh yang indah bersama Alam.

I and friends have managed to climb the hill Broga. We climb on depavali holidays. This is the first time I climb this Broga Hill. but my friend that Hafiz was climbing a few times before. he had planned the climb.
Our journey began as early as 4 am. journey takes about 30 minutes.

We arrived at about 4:45 the start of the climb, it is not very challenging. only the path of oil palm plantations and forests. on that day, too many people who were climbing. as if they were queuing. each of them carrying torches and climbing supplies. some of them come in groups and some of them come in pairs (husband and wife or lovers)

namun apa yang terbaik di sini adalah melakukan solat subuh di atas bukit secara berjemaah, masa ni, sukar untuk mengambarkan perasaan, sayu dan syahdu. merasai benar nikmat Allah. subahanaAllah..

saya juga ingin mengsyorkan kepada rakan-rakan blogger, sesekali kita cari kelainan melakukan amal ibadah.  benar-benar merasai keindahan subuh.

the writing this time i just wanted to share the pictures of the beautiful views of the Bukit Broga... too amazed at Allah creation.
too much the story behind the climb that i want to share with you... look forward to writing after this.
thank you..


anamizu said...

wahhhh broga!!! dah bape kali plan tp x sampai2 gak lagi nak pegi..uwaaa

cik ana

i'm shin... i'm inesen said...

subhanallah.. canteknya ciptaan Tuhan

LydSunshine said...

Wow... sangat-sangat santekkkkkk view dia.... tapi ramai orang tu yg tak syok skit kan?

macam ku kata said...

anamizu...xpe..boleh paln lagi..insyaAllah..akan sampai...anamizu pasti boleh tiba ke puncak bukit broga..amin.. ;-)

macam ku kata said...

im shin..hanya Allah yg layak dipuji..kerana ciptaanNya sesungguhnya cukup indah...subahanAllah..

macam ku kata said... terlalu ramai..sbb masa cuti..nnti kalo lyd nak gi..plan hari weekdays pun ok..kalo cuti mmng ramai sgt2..

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